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Ruqyiah shariah dua


Ruqyiah shariah

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Ruqyah Shariah:- Through the recitation of specific verses of the Qur'an and the prayers of the hadith, it provides spiritual healing and protects people from various spiritual and physical ailments, including evil eye, effects, financial problems, jinn and black magic (sahr).  All kinds of problems are involved.

Foundations of Ruqyah Shariah
The basis of Ruqyah Shariah lies in the belief that the Qur'an, being the word of Allah, holds divine power to heal. Several hadiths attest to the legitimacy and effectiveness of Ruqyah.

For example, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was reported to have said: "Make use of the two cures: honey and the Qur'an" (Ibn Majah). This highlights the healing power attributed to the Qur'an in Islamic tradition. The practice of Ruqyah was common during the Prophet's time, and he himself performed Ruqyah on his companions and recommended it as a means of seeking relief from ailments.

Conditions and Etiquette of Performing Ruqyah Shariah
Ruqyah Shariah must be performed with certain conditions and etiquettes to ensure its validity. The recitation must be done in Arabic, or in a language that the afflicted person understands, to ensure the meaning is conveyed. The person performing the Ruqyah should have a firm belief in the Oneness of Allah (Tawheed) and should rely solely on Him for healing, without associating partners with Allah (Shirk). Additionally, the intention behind Ruqyah must be pure, aiming to seek Allah's help and cure, rather than seeking worldly benefits.

It is important to note that Ruqyah should not involve any practices contrary to Islamic teachings, such as using amulets, charms, or invoking jinn. The Qur'an and authentic supplications from the Sunnah are the only legitimate sources for Ruqyah. Moreover, the reciter should be mindful of the spiritual state of both the afflicted person and themselves, ensuring they are in a state of ritual purity and have performed ablution (wudu).

Common Verses and Supplications Used in Ruqyah
Specific verses from the Qur'an are commonly recited during Ruqyah for their proven spiritual benefits. These include:

Surah Al-Fatihah (1:1-7): Known as the "Opening" chapter, it is recited for its comprehensive healing power.
Ayat Al-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255): A powerful verse that emphasizes Allah's supreme authority and protection.
Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas (Chapters 112, 113, and 114): These are known as the "three Quls" and are recited for protection against all forms of evil.
In addition to these, supplications (dua) from the Hadith are also used, such as the prayer for seeking refuge in Allah from the harm of His creation.

Benefits and Significance of Ruqyah Shariah
Ruqyah Shariah serves as a means of spiritual purification and a reminder of the believer’s dependence on Allah for all matters, including health and well-being. It reinforces the central Islamic belief in Tawheed and strengthens the spiritual connection between the believer and Allah. The practice of Ruqyah also promotes a holistic approach to health, emphasizing the importance of addressing both physical and spiritual dimensions of human well-being.

Furthermore, Ruqyah Shariah acts as a powerful tool in the prevention and treatment of spiritual afflictions. It provides comfort and reassurance to those afflicted by evil eye, jinn possession, or black magic, fostering a sense of peace and security through reliance on Allah’s protection.
In conclusion, Ruqyah Shariah is a vital aspect of Islamic spiritual practice, offering believers a means of protection and healing through the recitation of Qur'anic verses and supplications. It is rooted in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and remains a respected and widely practiced tradition in the Muslim world. Through Ruqyah, Muslims reaffirm their faith in Allah’s ultimate power and seek His mercy and protection in times of need

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